May is Skin Cancer Awareness Month and it’s a time to educate yourself about the risks associated with sun exposure. As one of the most common types of cancer, the more you expose yourself to the sun and sunburn, the higher the chance you have of developing this type of cancer in the future. The good news is that there are ways in which we can protect our skin on a daily basis if only we take the time to learn about skin cancer prevention. Let’s take a look at some of the easiest ways to offer your skin extra protection this May and beyond.

Search for Shade When Spending Time Outdoors

We all love making the most of the summer months and spending as much time as we can outdoors. While it’s great to enjoy the better weather this summer, we encourage you to always seek shade during the hotter times of the day. Between 10 am and 4 pm is the time to be most aware of the sun, where you’ll be best sitting under an umbrella or staying indoors if the sun is particularly strong that day. At the beach or pool, always try to put an umbrella up or find shelter from the sun so that you don’t spend too many hours exposed to the strongest UV rays.

Avoid Sunburn at All Costs

Just five sunburns can significantly increase your chance of melanoma. Therefore, one of the simplest skin cancer prevention tips you can adopt is to avoid sunburn by finding an SPF that’s suitable for your skin type and also stop tanning your skin too excessively as this can lead to burn. The higher the SPF, the better protection you’ll enjoy. However, you also need to look at the ingredients in the products you are buying to ensure they will offer you effective protection. Also, make sure you never use tanning beds, as these are extremely damaging to your skin. The tan is never worth the risk you are taking when using these, so always think twice before booking a tanning session.

Cover Up Your Skin and Face

When spending time out and about in the sun, make sure you do all you can to cover your skin and face. The good news is that there are lots of stylish clothing items which can help you look and feel your best this summer. A broad-brimmed hat is one of the best investments you can make, helping to protect the sensitive skin around your face. Also, buy a pair of UV-blocking sunglasses to look after your eyes while still enjoying reading and other activities in the sun.

Choose the Right SPF for Your Skin

A broad-spectrum sunscreen is one of the most important products anyone should use this summer. An absolute minimum of SPF 30 is recommended for most individuals, but the higher amount of zinc oxide or titanium dioxide you can use, the better protection you’ll have. If you are taking part in outdoor or water-based sports, make sure you look for an SPF that’s also water-resistant. The key thing to keep in mind about using SPF is that you need to apply two tablespoons to your whole body about 30 minutes before you go out for the day. Throughout the day, make sure you are reapplying the product, especially when you spend time in the water.

Examine Your Skin At Home

Skin cancer prevention month encourages us all to take better care of our skin and become more aware of the signs of skin cancer. We recommend that everyone does a full head-to-toe check of their body each month so that you can notice any changes to your skin. If you do find any areas of concern, make sure you reach out to a dermatologist or doctor who can give you a full examination. Most adults should also book annual checks with a dermatologist, who can offer a professional skin exam and identify any areas of concern as soon as possible.

Take Time to Learn More About Skin Cancer and Skin Cancer Prevention

This May, make sure you take the time to learn more about the common signs of skin cancer and what you can do to prevent this type of cancer. Always wear SPF even if you are just going out for a short amount of time, as this offers you an extra layer of protection and can stop your skin from getting burnt while spending time outdoors. The more protection you can offer yourself throughout the year, the less chance there will be of changes to your skin in the future.