As the winter months settle in, the picturesque scenes of snow-covered landscapes and cozy evenings by the fireplace often come hand in hand with a less picturesque reality for our skin: dry weather. The drop in temperature, coupled with lower humidity, can wreak havoc on our skin. This combo can lead to discomfort, dullness, and even exacerbate existing skin concerns. In this blog post, we’ll delve into the effects of winter dryness on our skin. Plus, we’ll explore effective strategies to keep our skin healthy, hydrated, and radiant.

The Science Behind Dry Winter Skin

To comprehend the impact of dry weather on our skin, it’s essential to understand the science behind it. Winter air tends to be much drier than the air in other seasons. This lack of humidity can strip the skin of its natural moisture. Additionally, exposure to harsh winds and indoor heating systems further accelerates water loss from the skin. As a result, the skin’s protective barrier weakens, making it more susceptible to irritation, redness, and dry patches. 

I asked one of our Boise Beauty Connection members to weigh in on dry skin and the effects winter weather has on it. This is what Niki Helton, owner of Helton House Aesthetics in Meridian, had to say: 

Q: What does our skin get so fussy in winter? 

A: This is a multifaceted answer. The skin is an organ, the largest one in our body. It has the huge responsibility of keeping out bacteria, regulating body temperature and fighting off environmental stressors that would otherwise hurt us. Because of this, the skin has to respond quickly to the weather and humidity changes. In some cases, especially as we age, the skin tends to overreact to changes like this.  

When we go into winter, we are inherently less busy, less outdoor activity, less activity in general. This causes our oil production to decrease, which is essential for our skin to be able to function properly. When we lose those essential oils our skin produces, it allows bacteria in, allows the skin to become easily irritated and can let us get flakey. When we also consider the fact that this area (Idaho) is still a desert climate, and we have particularly hard water here, it’s a recipe for dry, sensitive skin. 

Q: How does it affect our skin? 

A: The drying effects of winter weather on our skin can cause a variety of symptoms, not the least of which include: 

  • Dryness and Flakiness: The most obvious effect of winter dryness is the onset of dry, flaky skin. The lack of moisture in the air, coupled with the drying effects of indoor heating, can leave the skin dehydrated and in desperate need of replenishment. 
  • Irritation and Redness: Dry weather can exacerbate skin conditions like eczema and psoriasis, leading to increased irritation and redness. The compromised skin barrier struggles to fend off environmental aggressors, making it more prone to inflammation. 
  • Cracked Lips and Hands: Winter’s harsh conditions take a toll on our extremities, with lips and hands being particularly vulnerable. Chapped lips and cracked hands are common complaints during the colder months, highlighting the need for targeted care. 
  • Accentuation of Fine Lines and Wrinkles: Dehydrated skin tends to accentuate the appearance of fine lines and wrinkles. The loss of moisture can make the skin appear less plump and youthful, emphasizing the importance of proper hydration in winter skincare routines. 

Q: What can we do to combat winter dryness? 

A: FATTY ACIDS! Adding omega fatty acids to your diet is one of the quickest ways to support your skin. And adding omega fatty acids to your skincare will also help support your skin because omega molecules are small. They are easily absorbed into the skin and will usually not cause any acne response. Adding oils into your skincare can be done either with oil cleansing, serums or rich moisturizers. You can do one or all three! I am a huge fan of adding these into our routines because it can help in so many ways. Hydrated skin is healthy skin! 

Winter Skincare Winning Strategies

  1. Hydration is Key: The foundation of any effective winter skincare routine is hydration. Opt for a rich, moisturizing cream to lock in moisture and provide a protective barrier against the elements. Look for ingredients like hyaluronic acid and glycerin, known for their hydrating properties.
  2. Gentle Cleansing: Switch to a gentle, hydrating cleanser that won’t strip away the skin’s natural oils. Avoid hot water, as it can further contribute to dryness. Lukewarm water is a better choice for maintaining skin hydration.
  3. Exfoliation with Caution: While exfoliation is crucial for sloughing off dead skin cells, it’s essential to do so with caution during the winter. Over-exfoliating can compromise the skin barrier. Choose a mild exfoliant and limit use to once or twice a week if you have sensitive skin.
  4. Protective Clothing: Shield your skin from the harsh winter winds by wearing protective clothing, such as scarves and gloves. This not only prevents direct exposure but also helps to retain moisture.
  5. Humidify Your Space: Combat the dryness indoors by using a humidifier. Adding moisture to the air can prevent your skin from losing hydration, especially when spending extended periods in heated environments.
  6. Sunscreen: Don’t let the winter sun deceive you—harmful UV rays are still at play. Apply a broad-spectrum sunscreen with at least SPF 30, especially if engaging in outdoor activities. This protective measure is crucial for preventing further damage to already compromised skin. You want to look for at least 5% or more zinc oxide or titanium dioxide in your sunscreen.
  7. Stay Hydrated: Hydration isn’t only about external skincare; it starts from within. Ensure you’re drinking an adequate amount of water to support overall skin health. Herbal teas and foods with high water content can also contribute to your hydration levels. Another great way to stay hydrated is IV therapy.

Navigating the effects of winter dryness on our skin requires a proactive and thoughtful approach to skincare. By understanding the science behind winter dryness, we can then implement targeted strategies to protect our skin from the harsh elements and maintain a healthy, radiant complexion throughout the colder months. Remember, a well-rounded winter skincare routine is not only a necessity for comfort, but also a key ingredient in preserving the long-term health and vitality of our skin.